Ethos, Vision and Values
Our Ethos and Vision
To develop confident, happy, articulate learners who are ready to make a positive contribution to society, and who are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
Our Values
Keeping everyone safe, happy and learning
Our purpose, decisions and all the work that we do is to ensure the well-being, happiness and success of all our children.
We are all expected to adhere to our values and strive towards achieving our vision.
From all our staff and pupils we have high expectations of good teaching, learning and behaviour.
We are active, creative, independent learners who work hard, learn from our mistakes, embrace challenges and find solutions.
We actively listen to our children, take their views on board, and teach fun, challenging lessons that will engage and challenge all.
Staff and pupils work and learn together in a happy, positive environment as a team.
Our doors are always open to all. We are open, honest, and ask for help when needed without hesitation. We treat everyone equally and with respect. We share and collaborate, work hard and make a positive contribution to the team. We work together to find solutions, use positive language, kind words and respect each and every person.
We make sure that every child is greeted with a smile and a personal welcome everyday. We are friendly, polite and go out of our way to welcome others. Our school is a warm, happy and postive environment where both staff and pupils are seen to be thoughtful and kind towards each other.