Curriculum: P.E.

At Leftwich Community Primary, we ensure that each child receives 2 hours of Curriculum PE each week. This is enhanced further by following an active curriculum wherever possible.  Regular opportunities for activity are planned into our timetable examples of which may include Active Maths sessions, Super-movers and physical exercise handwriting activities that build core strength. Learning throughout the year is rotated termly and covers the key aspects of Dance, Gymnastics, Games, Outdoor Adventure and Swimming.

In Years 1 and 2 the children develop their fundamental movement skills to improve their agility, balance and coordination. They are taught how to master basic movements that include running, jumping, throwing and catching. They begin to use and apply these skills to simple games tactics in Year 2.  In Years 3 to 6 the children continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills. They enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. We teach children to develop an understanding of how to improve in different activities and learn to evaluate and recognise their own success.   Our PE sessions do not only teach physical skill but also develop pupil’s thinking skills, social skills and health in order for every child achieve success.

We recognise that the skills taught explicitly in PE are fundamental to our pupils achieving their personal best throughout the entire curriculum. We are currently introducing #mypersonalbest themes to each year group which link to all other subject areas and our reward recognition boards.

We have a member of staff dedicated to entering and preparing our pupils to participate in competition.  We regularly compete with schools in our Sport Partnership and network. Leftwich Community Primary has achieved success on many occasions and gone on to compete at Inter Competition Level 3.   We offer a variety of after school activities to children from Years 1 – 6. Sports clubs such as Tai Kwando and Gymnastics are fully funded through our SSP funding and allow all children to access clubs.  We use Pupil Voice responses to plan the Sports Clubs we offer to encourage our children to attend and increase physical well-being and enjoyment.  We have good relationships with community clubs and teams who visit and do tasters, assemblies and leaflet drops to encourage pupils to join their clubs.

Leftwich Community Primary has a Gold Mark for PE.  We regularly engage with our School Sport Partnership and the Youth Sport Trust to keep up to date with current practice and developments.