OPAL is an award-winning, mentor supported school improvement programme that addresses all the areas that schools must plan for if they want to strategically and sustainably improve the quality of their play opportunities.
Mrs O’Neill : OPAL Curriculum Lead
Miss Marmion : OPAL Play Coordinator
Mr Hart : OPAL Governor

What is OPAL?
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) is a community interest company (CIC) dedicated to providing services to schools and organisations in England Wales to improve the quality of play opportunities for all children. OPAL staff have the expertise in teaching, school improvement, landscape design, project management, play and strategic planning.
OPAL is founded on the principles and values of playwork, where the role of adults is to understand, celebrate, resource, nurture and support the play process.
What are the benefits of the OPAL Primary Programme?
MORE TEACHING TIME ~ Most schools report 10 minutes more teaching time per teacher with happier, more creative, and well exercised children who settle to classes much more quickly.
IMPROVED BEHAVIOUS ~ OPAL schools report up to 80% decrease in use of behaviour policies and 90% drops in senior leadership time spent in resolving playtime issues.
FASTER CORE SKILLS DEVLEOPMENT ~ Children at OPAL schools rapidly develop creativity, imagination, co-operation, resilience, stamina and confidence.
INCLUSION ~ OPAL’s approach makes play better for every child, every day…no exceptions!
HAPPINESS & WELLBEING ~ Play is a human need and a human right. Children and staff at OPAL’s schools report feeling less stressed and happier, and more excited about school.
Our children enjoying OPAL playtimes!